[Daytona LE Manual]


DAYTONA Limited Edition

Problem: After a short period of time the game looses Pot Input Responses.

SOLUTION: Follow the procedure described below....

STEP 1 ) Open Back Door and locate the four main power terminal strips located on the bottom of cabinet. (The terminal strips that have YELLOW, WHITE, GREEN, RED wires to them.

STEP 2 ) Check the nuts on the post and make sure they are tight. An 11/32 nut driver is needed. If this will not cover the nut please remove this nut and install an 11/32 nut (8/32 thread). Fan out the wires so you can really tighten them up. It is necessary to remove the foot pedal assembly with the tamper proof wrenches supplied with your game to reach the terminal strip with the white wires on it. When tight re-install pedal asembly.

STEP 3 ) Check and install a wire from the PCB Board Cage monting screw to the Field Ground Terminal Strip. this will eliminate noise in the picture.

STEP 4 ) THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP! Install a diode across the meter. (1N4004) See Figure 1.

STEP 5 ) Clear the backup RAM.